Dear parent,
The government’s roadmap to easing restrictions looks like it is on track, so we can prepare to return to face to face training again.
I’m going to stick to the Taekwon do kids syllabus, so as usual , there will be no training sessions over the easter holidays. The last Zoom sessions of the term will be today 29th March for the Monday sessions and Thursday 1st April for the Thursday class.
We will resume face to face training on Monday 19th April at the Trinity centre, and Thursday 22nd April at Great Park Community Centre.
Numbers are low at present – understandably so as we have had no new intake and many children have been promoted into the Taekwon do programme prior to the current lockdown. Consequently, there will only be one class at each venue, starting at 4.30, until numbers build up again.
Could you continue to book a space for your children using the team up app
We will keep in place all of the same risk management practices we used before this lockdown. There are 15 places available for each lesson. The deadline to sign up is noon on the day of the lesson. It would be helpful if you have more than one child if you could use different e mail addresses for each individual child. Don’t worry if you haven’t got two e mail addresses as I can see if there is any over booking before I leave to teach. There is also under capacity built into the class numbers to allow for overbooking.